The Tunisian Committee of Hydrogeology (TCH/CTH) organized a workshop on “Modelling for sustainable Groundwater Management” in Tunis (Tunisia), October 23th to 27th, 2017.
The workshop aimed at learning and promoting the discovery of knowledge and decision-making tools applied to the functioning of groundwater sources, enabling participants exchange of information, comparative practical knowledge, as well as drawing up new proposals with a view of improving work-plans. It focused on the development of mathematical solutions of hydrogeological models and advanced information technologies as well as their application to groundwater issues where social, economic and environmental aspects are integrated to achieve feasible proposals for a sustainable development. The workshop took place in the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis.
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The workshop was inaugurated by the President of the University of Tunis EL Manar, the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences of Tunis and the General Director of the Centre for Water Research and Technologies.
The workshop was sponsored by UNAM (Mexico), Laboratoires Mixtes Internationaux (LMI), Laboratoire de Géoressources (LGR), Unité d’Environnements Sédimentaires, Systèmes Pétroliers & Caractérisation des Réservoirs (UESSPCR), Unité de Recherche de Géochimie et de Géologie de l’Environnement (URGGE), Laboratoire de Modélisation en Hydraulique et Environnement (LMHE) and the design Office GEOHYDRO.
The organization of the workshop was successful. There were six keynote speakers and a coaching staff, 17 PhD, Msc students, as well as early career researchers and professionals.
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